How do you Create a Budget with Limited Income?

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Oct 6, 2023

How do you Create a Budget with Limited Income?

Creating a budget can be challenging, especially when you have a limited income. It is essential to strike a balance between your earnings and expenses to ensure financial stability.


However, with careful planning, it is possible to create a budget that works for you. In this blog post, we will explore some effective steps that can help you create a budget with limited income.


Whether you want to save for a rainy day or plan for your next vacation, these tips will help you make the most out of your earnings. So, let's get started!

1. Assess your income

The first step in creating a budget with limited income is to assess your income. Calculate all sources of income, including full-time or part-time jobs, benefits, and passive income. 


Having a clear understanding of how much money you have available will help you determine how much you can allocate toward your essential expenses and savings.

2. Identify your expenses

After calculating your total income, the next step is to identify your monthly expenses. List out all of your regular expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, transportation costs, groceries, and any other bills.


Keeping track of your expenses for a minimum of one month can help ensure all expenses are accounted for and help you plan accordingly for your budget.

3. Reduce your expenses

After identifying your monthly expenses, you can move on to reducing costs wherever possible. Look for ways to minimise expenses, such as switching energy providers, cooking homemade meals instead of eating out, or finding free entertainment options.


Small reductions in expenses can add up and have a significant impact on your budget in the long run.

4. Prioritise your spending

Once you have a list of your expenses, it's important to prioritise spending. Make a clear distinction between what is a necessity, such as bills and food, versus what is a luxury, such as eating out or entertainment.


By prioritising spending on essentials, you can ensure that you always have enough funds to cover the most critical expenses, even if you need to make some sacrifices along the way.

5. Make a budget plan

No matter how much money you make, if you don't have a budget plan, it's easy to overspend. After assessing your income and expenses, create a monthly budget plan that works for you.


Track all of your expenses in one place, determine what percentage of your overall income should go towards each expense category, and set spending limits for each category.


For example, if your food budget for the month is £200, try to stick to that amount and don't overspend. Similarly, for entertainment expenses, set a limit each week so you don't go overboard.


The goal is to find a balance between your income and expenses so you can live comfortably without sacrificing the things that are important to you. With careful planning and budgeting, you can create a sustainable financial plan even with limited income.

6. Save for emergencies

It is crucial to set aside some money for unexpected expenses. Budget even a small amount each month towards an emergency fund. This will ensure that you have funds to cover unforeseen costs without having to resort to taking on debt.


Aim for a minimum of three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund, so you have enough funds to cover any unexpected costs. Automating savings can be a great way to ensure your emergency fund is consistently growing.

7. Find ways to make more money

Finding ways to earn more can be beneficial for you, especially if you have a limited income.

Consider taking on a side job or a gig that can help increase your finances. From Uber driving to freelance writing, there are many options available for you to make extra money. 


There are many freelance websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer where you can find projects to work on. The key is to find something that fits with your lifestyle and interests. Even if it's only a few extra pounds per month, the money can still add up over time!


This added income can help you achieve your financial goals faster and make a significant difference in your budget.

8. Use cash instead of credit cards

One smart way to manage your budget is to use cash instead of credit cards. This will help you stay in control of your spending and keep you on track with your budget.


When paying with cash, it’s easier to see where your money is going and how much you are spending. You can also set a limit on the amount of cash you can spend each month, and once it is gone, you will need to wait until the next month to spend more.


With credit cards, it's easy to overspend and rack up debt, so it's best to avoid credit cards unless necessary. Use credit cards only in emergencies and be sure to pay off the balance in full each month.

9. Get rid of your debts ASAP

Debt is the biggest hurdle when it comes to making ends meet on a limited income. It is crucial to pay off any existing debt as soon as possible to free up some extra money each month.


Pay more than the minimum balance on credit cards and loans, and look for ways to lower your debt burden. Refinancing can be a great way to reduce the interest rate and save money in the long run.


Managing debt can be daunting, but staying disciplined and committed to your payoff plan can make a big difference in your financial situation.

10. Review and adjust

And lastly, once you have a plan in place, review it regularly and adjust as needed. Take time to assess your financial situation every month and make sure you are staying on track with your budget.


If you find that something isn't working, don't be afraid to make changes - keep looking for ways to improve your finances and reduce unnecessary costs.


By taking a proactive approach to budgeting and managing your money, you can ensure that your finances are stable even on a limited income.


So, there you have it! With careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to make ends meet on a limited income. Let's be honest, it won't be easy in the beginning, but with some dedication and hard work, you can make it happen. So, make sure to take your time and follow the steps outlined in this article to get your finances back on track. Good luck!

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Oct 6, 2023

Ade Omosanya is a father of one, a UK Chartered Certified Accountant and owner of AO Accountants Ltd. He has a keen eye for all things finances and shares his thoughts and tips via the My Future Pound blog.

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