12 tips to create a stable financial future

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Mar 11, 2023

12 tips to create a stable financial future

Everyone wants to plan for their future and build a secure financial footing. No one wants to work for their entire lives and not have anything to show for it.

But sometimes due to a lack of financial knowledge and awareness, people make mistakes that affect their financial future.

It takes a lot of discipline and diligence to create a stable financial future and live the life you dream of. But with proper planning and the right tips, you can ensure a secure financial future.

In this article, we’ll discuss 12 tips to help you create a stable financial future and ensure that your hard-earned money is used most productively.

What does a Stable Financial Future Look Like?

Every individual is different and has different needs and wants - so they might have different definitions of a stable financial future. But typically, here’s what it looks like:

A stable financial future means having enough money to cover your expenses, saving for retirement and investments, paying off debt, and having a little fun every once in a while. To achieve that level of financial stability, you must have a well-thought-out plan and follow it.

It doesn't matter how much money you make; it's how you manage it that will determine your financial future. When you have a plan and you stick to it, you will be able to work towards achieving financial security and stability.

Yes, it would take a lot of hard work and discipline but at the end of the day, the rewards you will reap will be worth it. So, make sure to follow these tips to make the most of your money and create a stable financial future.

How Much Money Do You Need for a Stable Future?

Just as we mentioned earlier, every individual is different and has different plans and goals. So, how much money you need for a secure future will depend on your lifestyle and the kind of life you want to lead.

In general, the money required for a stable future is determined by the cost of living, expenses, debt to be paid off, and investments made. You must be able to pay for your necessities like food, housing, transportation, and so on.

In addition, you must have enough money to pay off any debt that you may have incurred, save for your retirement, and make investments - so that you have a financial cushion to fall back on during times of need.

Moreover, you should have enough money set aside to cover emergency expenses - such as medical bills and unexpected repairs. This is an important part of creating a secure financial future and will ensure that your money is working for you.

Therefore, it’s important to understand your needs and wants and plan accordingly- this will help you determine how much money you need for a secure financial future.

The lack of financial literacy is one of the major roadblocks to creating a secure financial future. If you want to build wealth, it's important to work on your personal finance skills

Top 12 Tips to Create a Stable Financial Future

Now that we’ve discussed what a stable financial future looks like and how much money you need for it, let’s take a look at some tips that will help you get there:

1. Don't Rely on a Single Source of Income

From layoffs to pay cuts, relying on a single source has never been a good idea. Try to diversify your income and have multiple sources or streams of income coming in.

This will ensure that you are always prepared for any eventuality and can cover your basic needs even when one stream is affected.

It doesn't have to be another 9 to 5 job - it can be a side hustle or freelance work. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it is something that aligns with your values and brings in enough money for your needs.

2. Prepare an Emergency Fund

From emergency medical bills to sudden car repairs, life can throw unexpected expenses at you at any point of your life. You must be prepared for these unexpected costs and have an emergency fund set aside for such occurrences.

It should be enough money to cover at least 6 months of your basic needs in case of a crisis - so try to save as much as possible each month towards this fund. This way, you won't have to spend your future savings or take out loans when an unexpected expense arises.

3. Create a Budget

Budgeting is your best friend when it comes to creating a stable financial future. Knowing how much money you have and where it is going will help you make informed decisions about your finances and find ways to save more.

Sit down, go through all of your income and expenses for the month, and create a budget that works for you. Make sure to include both fixed costs - like rent, utilities, and insurance - as well as discretionary expenses - like eating out or shopping.

Having a budget will help you stay on track and manage your finances with ease.

4. Pay Off Your Debt ASAP

Debt is one of the biggest obstacles to creating a secure financial future. If you have any credit card debt, student loans, or any other kind of debt - make it a priority to pay it off as soon as possible.

Start by making the minimum payments each month and then look for ways to increase your income so that you can pay more than the minimum amount. This will help you get out of debt faster and free up more money for savings and investments.

Make sure to assess your current financial situation before taking on any new debt - this will prevent you from getting in over your head.

5. Set Financial Goals

Setting financial goals is as important as budgeting when it comes to creating a secure financial future. It will help you stay motivated and on track with your financial goals, so take some time to sit down and set short-term and long-term financial goals for yourself.

These can include paying off debt, saving up for a house, or investing in stocks - whatever your goals may be, make sure they’re realistic and achievable. Having a timeline or deadline for each goal will also help you stay focused and motivated to reach them.

Setting financial goals is as important as budgeting when it comes to creating a secure financial future. It will help you stay motivated and on track with your financial goals, so take some time to sit down and set short-term and long-term financial goals for yourself.

6. Invest for the Long Term

Investing is one of the most powerful tools for creating wealth - but it can also be intimidating if you don't know what you’re doing.

Take the time to learn about different investment options and create a plan that works for you. It's important to remember that investing is a long-term game - so don't expect quick returns or get discouraged if you don't see immediate results.

Over time, your investments will start to pay off, and this will be an important part of creating a secure financial future.

Here is a list of investment vehicles that might help you build your wealth faster

  • Stock Market
  • Mutual Funds
  • Index Funds
  • Bonds
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs

7. Live Within Your Means

FOMO or “Fear Of Missing Out” can be a dangerous thing when it comes to personal finance.

It's important to remember that most of the things you see advertised or your friends have are not necessities and should be treated as luxuries - so don't fall into the trap of buying things you can't afford just because everyone else is doing it.

Instead, live within your means and make sensible decisions when it comes to spending. This will help you save more money and build a secure financial future.

You have to remember that you can only move forward if you’re not weighed down by debt or financial obligations.

8. Work on Your Personal Finance Skills

The lack of financial literacy is one of the major roadblocks to creating a secure financial future. If you want to build wealth, it's important to work on your personal finance skills - this includes understanding investments and taxes, budgeting, and planning for retirement.

Take advantage of free resources like books and online courses to gain more knowledge about personal finance. You can also seek out the advice of a financial professional to help you make smart decisions about your money.

When it comes to creating a secure financial future, knowledge is power - so don’t be afraid to do some research and become an expert in personal finance.

9. It's Never Too Early to Start Planning for Retirement

Retirement planning is an essential part of creating a secure financial future. Even if you're still in your 20s or 30s, it's never too early to start planning for retirement - this will help you stay ahead of the game and ensure that your money is working hard for you.

Start by setting aside some money each month for retirement, and establish a retirement fund. As your income increases over time, increase your contributions - this will help to ensure that you have enough money saved for when you eventually retire.

Investing in stocks is also a great way to grow your retirement savings - so if you're comfortable with taking some risk, consider investing in stocks that have the potential to increase in value over time.

10. Pay Yourself First

Paying yourself first is one of the most important rules for personal finance. Before you pay your bills or invest in stocks, make sure to set aside some money for yourself - this will ensure that you're taking care of yourself and your future.

You can start small by setting aside a certain percentage of each payslip for yourself, or you can open up a savings account or investment account and add to it regularly.

This will help you create an emergency fund or save for goals like retirement, a vacation, or even a new car. Paying yourself first is one of the best ways to make sure that your financial future is secure.

11. Seek Professional Help

There is no shame in seeking professional help when it comes to personal finance. Financial professionals are experts in their fields and can offer valuable advice on how to manage your money and create a secure financial future.

They can also help you make smart decisions regarding investments, taxes, retirement planning, and more. If you don't have the time or knowledge to manage your finances on your own, it's worth consulting with a financial professional.

12. Reward Yourself

It won't hurt anyone if you treat yourself once in a while - once you’ve achieved a financial goal, use the money to reward yourself - this could be anything from going out to eat at your favourite restaurant, buying yourself something nice, or planning a vacation.

The key is to set reasonable goals and celebrate when you've achieved them. But don't overspend - because it'll ruin your entire hard work and effort. Set up a budget that allows you to enjoy your life once in a while.

This way, you won't feel deprived or frustrated and you'll be more likely to stay on track with your financial goals.


Creating a secure financial future isn’t easy, but by following these tips, you can ensure that you are well on your way to achieving success and living the life that you want. With careful planning and discipline, you can create a secure financial future that will last for many years to come. Good luck!

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


Mar 11, 2023

Ade Omosanya is a father of one, a UK Chartered Certified Accountant and owner of AO Accountants Ltd. He has a keen eye for all things finances and shares his thoughts and tips via the My Future Pound blog.

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