12 Habits of Highly Productive People

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


May 31, 2023

12 Habits of Highly Productive People

We all want to be more productive, right? But have you ever stopped to wonder how some people just seem to get so much done in a day? The truth is, highly productive people don't have any more time than the rest of us – they've just developed a set of habits that help them make the most of the time they do have.

Let's explore 12 of the most common habits of highly productive people, so you can try them out for yourself and see if they help you get more done too.

Why is it so important to develop highly productive habits?

Developing productivity habits is essential for anyone looking to improve their effectiveness, efficiency, and overall success. It helps to establish workflows and routines that promote optimal use of time, energy, and resources, ensuring they work smarter, not harder.

Successfully developing productivity habits leads to increased levels of focus, concentration, and motivation, all of which are critical to the development of a growth mindset.

The benefits of developing productivity habits extend beyond just personal growth, as it promotes a culture of excellence within organizations, resulting in increased productivity, higher employee morale, and greater overall success.

1. Setting short-term and long-term goals

One of the essential habits of highly productive people is setting short-term and long-term goals. Successful individuals know what they want to achieve and have a plan in place to reach their goals.

Short-term goals are typically achievable within a few weeks or months, while long-term goals can take years. By setting clear and specific goals, you can focus their efforts and monitor your progress.

You can break your long-term goals into smaller achievable short-term targets, which makes achieving your long-term goals more manageable. Consistent progress towards specific objectives keeps them motivated and helps to maintain momentum.

2. Prioritising

A crucial habit of highly productive people is prioritising. By prioritising your tasks, you focus your time and energy on what is most important. Start by evaluating your to-do list and identifying the most urgent and essential tasks.

Once you have sorted them, work on them first. Breaking the bigger tasks down into smaller ones and tackling them one at a time helps to prevent overwhelm.

Avoid getting too bogged down with the less important jobs, because they can divert your attention from the critical ones. Prioritising ensures you make the most of your time and achieve the most significant results.

3. Planning ahead

One of the habits that highly productive people have is planning ahead. Planning ahead allows you to be proactive instead of reactive, and this approach helps you achieve your goals faster.

When you plan ahead, you can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities, and you can take steps to mitigate risks or maximise gains. By planning ahead, you also eliminate unnecessary stress, which can interfere with your productivity.

Take some time at the end of each day to plan for the next day - this way, when you wake up the next morning, you know precisely what you need to do.

Planning ahead will help you stay organised, focused, and on track towards achieving your goals.

4. Minimising distractions

Highly productive people understand the importance of minimising distractions so they can focus on their work. Distractions can come in different forms, like social media, emails, or even co-workers.

You need to be able to identify the things that distract you the most and put measures in place to reduce them. For instance, you could mute your phone, avoid checking emails during work hours, or use headphones to block out noise.

By minimising distractions, you can stay focused on your work for extended periods, and this can increase your productivity. Remember, your attention is precious, so guard it carefully.

Take some time at the end of each day to plan for the next day - this way, when you wake up the next morning, you know precisely what you need to do.

5. Taking breaks

Highly productive people understand the importance of taking breaks - it may seem counter-productive, but taking regular breaks has been shown to increase productivity.

It's essential to take short breaks throughout the day to allow your mind and body to rest and recharge.

When you feel refreshed, you can think more clearly, be more creative, and have more energy. You should also take longer breaks, like lunch breaks, to step away from your work and give your mind a break.

You don't want to burn out, so make sure to get enough rest and take breaks when you need them. This will help you stay productive and achieve your goals in the long run.

By doing so, you can return to your tasks with renewed focus and motivation. Remember, the goal is not to work harder; it's to work smarter. Taking breaks is a crucial part of working smarter.

6. Staying organised

It's crucial to know where everything is to save you time, reduce stress, and avoid frustration. Staying organised can help you stay on top of your tasks and be more efficient.

Start by decluttering your workspace and keeping things tidy. Keep all your documents, files, and tools in easily accessible places. You can also use productivity tools like task managers and calendars to stay on top of your deadlines and priorities.

Staying organised can help you focus on your work instead of worrying about what you need to do next. It saves you time and energy, so you can be more productive and efficient throughout the day.

7. Saying no

Even though it may be challenging to decline an invitation or request, sometimes it's necessary to maintain focus and productivity.

Saying no can help you avoid overcommitting and taking on tasks that don't align with your priorities or goals. It can be a tough conversation, but it's crucial to set boundaries and manage expectations.

Remember, you only have a limited amount of time and energy, and it's important to use them wisely. Say no to the things that don't move you closer to your goals, and be intentional about how you spend your time.

By saying no, you can maintain your productivity and achieve more in the long run.

8. Embracing technology

Technology can help you automate repetitive tasks, manage your time, and collaborate more effectively. Make use of productivity apps and tools that can help you stay organised, prioritise tasks, and stay focused throughout the day.

For instance, if you find yourself struggling to manage your email inbox, you can use email management apps to organise your emails and automate responses to common queries.

Technology can also help you stay connected with remote colleagues or clients, making it easier to collaborate from different locations. By embracing technology, you can streamline your workflow, reduce your workload, and increase your productivity.

9. Staying physically fit

Highly productive people know that staying physically fit is essential to maintaining their energy levels and focus. Exercise helps to reduce stress and increase endorphins, which can improve your mood and overall well-being.

Make time for physical activity throughout the week, even if it's just a quick walk during your lunch break or 20 minutes of yoga in the morning. Exercise can help you feel more energised and alert throughout the day and can improve your quality of sleep at night.

It's not just about looking after your body, but also your mind, so make sure to prioritise your physical health to maximise your productivity.

Technology can help you automate repetitive tasks, manage your time, and collaborate more effectively. Make use of productivity apps and tools that can help you stay organised, prioritise tasks, and stay focused throughout the day.

10. Continuous learning

Highly productive people understand the importance of continuous learning. Learning new skills or knowledge can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in your industry or field.

It can also help you stay engaged and motivated by giving you new challenges to tackle. Make time for learning activities like taking online courses, attending seminars or workshops, or reading books relevant to your work.

Continuous learning can help you grow personally and professionally, making you more valuable to your organisation and more competitive in the job market. By investing in your education, you invest in your future productivity and success.

11. Managing time

The most important aspect of productivity is managing your time. To be productive, you need to make sure you're spending your time wisely and efficiently.

Start by creating a daily schedule that outlines the tasks you need to accomplish each day and allocate time for specific activities. Prioritise tasks based on their importance and urgency, and focus on completing them one at a time.

If you find yourself struggling to stay focused and on task, it's completely normal. Take regular breaks throughout the day to give your mind and body a rest, then jump back into your work with renewed energy.

With a bit of practice and dedication, you can master the skill of time management.

Prioritise tasks based on their importance and urgency, and focus on completing them one at a time.

12. Reviewing and reflecting on the progress

By reviewing your progress, you can identify what's working and what's not, and make adjustments as necessary. Reflection allows you to celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and make improvements to your processes.

Take some time at the end of each week or month to sit down, and review what you've accomplished. It's important to celebrate your successes and acknowledge the progress you've made toward your goals.

If you've fallen short, don't be too hard on yourself; instead, take it as an opportunity to learn and make improvements. By regularly reviewing and reflecting on your progress, you can stay on track toward achieving your goals and improve your productivity over time.


So, there you have it! These 12 tips can help you to become more productive, helping you get the most out of your time and energy. Ultimately, it's important to remember that developing highly productive habits takes practice and dedication. So, make sure to assess your situation and make a plan that works for you. Good luck!

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Ade Omosanya


Ade Omosanya


May 31, 2023

Ade Omosanya is a father of one, a UK Chartered Certified Accountant and owner of AO Accountants Ltd. He has a keen eye for all things finances and shares his thoughts and tips via the My Future Pound blog.

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